Suggested Guidelines for COVID-19 Screening at ASC

Pre-screening protocol prior to arrival at the ASC:

Pre-operative telephone screening will be performed for every patient prior to the date of their scheduled procedure.  First review any screening questions that may have been answered on One Medical Passport if in use.

The following questions must be asked or reviewed with each patient:

  • Do you have a fever? If yes, then case will be postponed.
  • Do you have a new onset cough? If yes, then case will be postponed.
  • Do you have shortness of breath of unknown origin? (i.e. not chronic such as from COPD) If yes, case will be postponed.
  • Have you recently travelled (within past 14 days) out of the country? If yes where they in high risk areas such as China, Italy, Korea (although this list will be expanding).  Case will be postponed.
  • Have you been in close contact with anyone who is a laboratory confirmed case of the COVID-19? If yes case will be postponed.

For all the cases that are postponed, the patient should be instructed not to come to the ASC but is recommended to get a clearance from a primary care physician or to go to an emergency room or urgent care center if symptoms warrant.  The screening nurse should notify supervisor and anesthesiologist about the patient and let the surgeon’s office know about the patient and plans to postpone pending clearance.

If this pre-screening is done in advance of surgery, let the patient know that if any of the previously asked questions changes to a yes to call the ASC and not come to the ASC prior to speaking to someone at the ASC.

Screening of patients on the day of surgery by Registration desk:

 The same questions above should be asked of the patient and any individual accompanying the patient.  If any of the questions are positive the reception desk should notify the charge nurse and provide the patient and any individual accompanying the patient with a mask for their visit while a further evaluation is made.  If the patient or escort does not want to wear a mask then you can ask the patient to wait outside (if medically appropriate) so we can evaluate away from other patients unless there is a private waiting area to place the patient.

At that point, a registered nurse can further evaluate the patient and with discussion with the surgeon and anesthesiologist discuss whether patient is a potential case of COVID-19 or not.  If yes, the patient should be instructed to go to an emergency room to be tested appropriately for COVID-19.

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